2BV water ring vacuum pump

  • Product name : 2BV water ring vacuum pump
  • Product Categories : 2BV water ring vacuum pump
  • Company name : Zibo Vacuum Pump Factory

1. Application range of 2BV water ring vacuum pump:

The 2BV series water ring vacuum pump is a single-stage liquid circulation vacuum pump with a coaxial motor and pump. The entire pump shaft system adopts mechanical seals, with a simple structure and easy maintenance.

2BV water ring vacuum pumps are widely used in industrial fields such as chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, food, sugar, textile, etc. It is a liquid circulation vacuum pump with a wide range of applications for obtaining rough vacuum. During the working process, gas compression is isothermal, so when choosing to use explosion-proof motors (2BV2-EX series, 2BV6 series), flammable and explosive gases can also be compressed and suctioned.

The 2BV water ring vacuum pump can pump gases including water vapor, oil vapor, chemical volume, etc. If the pumped gas contains corrosiveness, all overcurrent components of the 2BV water ring vacuum pump can be made of stainless steel materials such as 304/316/316L.

2. Characteristics of 2BV water ring vacuum pump:

The 2BV series water ring vacuum pump has the following characteristics compared to previous similar products SK and 2SK water ring vacuum pumps.

1: The 2BV water ring vacuum pump motor is coaxial with the pump, saving space and easy to install.

2: The entire series of 2BV water ring vacuum pumps adopts mechanical seals, which are safe and reliable, achieving zero leakage of circulating liquid and pumped gas.

3: The entire 2BV water ring vacuum pump system is equipped with a cavitation protection valve to eliminate cavitation and cavitation noise generated under pressure.

4: The flexible design of the exhaust port does not generate excessive compression, resulting in better efficiency within the performance range.

As a new generation energy-saving product, the 2BV water ring vacuum pump can achieve a suction pressure of 3300pa (96%) vacuum degree. When using transformer oil for circulating fluid, the vacuum degree can reach 670-130pa (99.3%). When the suction pressure of the liquid ring vacuum pump is close to vacuum for a long time, the gas protection tube needs to be opened to eliminate cavitation and noise.

The 2BV water ring vacuum pump, with its excellent performance and numerous advantages, will be able to replace SK, 2SK series water ring vacuum pumps and W, WY, WL series reciprocating vacuum pumps.

3. Working principle of 2BV water ring vacuum pump:

As shown in Figure (1), the 2BV water ring vacuum pump has an eccentric impeller installed inside the pump. When the pump rotates, the impeller forms a water ring inside the pump under the action of centrifugal force. The water ring is also tangent to the hub. During the first half of the movement, the water ring gradually separates from the hub, and a closed space is gradually formed between the blade impeller and the water ring. The pressure in the space decreases, and gas is sucked in from the disc suction port; In the latter half of the movement, the water ring gradually approaches the hub, and the gas pressure in the space increases. When it exceeds the pressure at the exhaust port, the gas is compressed from the disc exhaust port to the outside of the pump. Therefore, every time the impeller rotates, it inhales and exhausts once, and moves for a long time. The 2BV water ring vacuum pump can evacuate and compress the gas in the container being pumped out.

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